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Tulosta sivu Haukutuloksesi on 22
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Data pager
Tulosta / sivu
 A la recherche d'un équilibre entre droit international et particularismes nationaux: l'intégration du droit d'auteur en Iran et en Inde / In search of a balance between international law and national particularities: integrating copyright in Iran and India / En busca de un equilibrio entre derecho internacional y particularismos nacionales:la integracion del derecho de autor en Iran y en la India
Rostama, Guilda.
2015Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Berne without borders: geographic indiscretion and digital communications (the Stephen Stewart memorial lecture)
SA-Intellectual Property Quarterly
2002Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Closed national systems of copyright-protectable works are no longer compatible with EU law
Rosati, Eleonora.
SA-GRUR International (de)
2014Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Collective administration of copyrights in Europe
1995Kirja tai pienpainate 1 / 1
 Copyright and punishment : CJEU rules that the IP enforcement directive does not prevent Lump Sum damages in IP cases
Kogut-Czarkowska, Magdalena.
2017Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Decision of the Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgerichtshof): An Evening with Marlene Dietrich : TRIPS Agreement, Art. 3(1), second sentence WIPO Performance and Phonograms Treaty, Art. 4(1) Rome Convention, Arts. 2, 4, 7, 19 Copyright Act, Secs. 78(1) No. 1, 125(5) Code of Civil Procedure, Sec. 32.
2017Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Der lange Schatten von Murphy : droht das Ende der Exklusivität nationaler Urheberrechtslizenzen?
Brost, Stefan.
2016Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Exceptions and limitations to copyright
2017E-kirja (PDF)
 Expanding Intellectual Property : Copyrights and Patents in 20th Century Europe and Beyond
2017Kirja tai pienpainate 1 / 1
 Gemeinschaftliches Diskriminierungsverbot und Inländerbehandlungsgrundsatz unter dem Blickwinkel der kollektiven Wahrnehmung urheberrechtlicher Ansprüche
SA-GRUR International (de)
2001Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1