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Tulosta / sivu
 Copied logo is the pits : ATB Sales Ltd v Rich Energy Ltd: High Court of England & Wales - 14 May 2019
Nunn, Peter.
SA-Intellectual Property Magazine
2019Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Copyright in logos and exhaustion of rights under the first sale doctrine in grey markets
Lim, Pheh Hoon.
2012Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Haas formula I car's stag's head logo bucked by IPEC
Strath, Janet.
SA-Entertainment Law Review
2019Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 High court confirms that innocent owns copyright in commissioned design of logo
Smith, Joel.
2015Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Lidl v Tesco : Lidl's Logo Infringed by Tesco's "Clubcard Price" Signs
Palmer, Jake, kirjoittaja.
SA-Entertainment Law Review
2023Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Sole ownership : Doc Martens stomps logo dispute
SA-Copyright World
2004Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 US copyright protection for logos, packaging and products
Pearson, Lisa.
SA-Intellectual Property Magazine
2010Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Wolves logo : wandering origin story doubted by High Court
Hopton, Peter.
SA-Entertainment Law Review
2019Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Authenticity at the Heart of Mi’kmaw Cultural Tourism
Sinkevich, Anna, kirjoittaja.
2024Artikkeli / Lehtileike
 Balmain or banal? : EU General Court considers the distinctiveness of luxury fashion house's lion's head logo
Flett, Emma, kirjoittaja.
SA-Entertainment Law Review
2024Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1