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Tulosta sivu Haukutuloksesi on 34
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Tulosta / sivu
 "Torque off Clarkson" : with the Top Gear team all geared up to go, an examination of what rights exist in formats for television show. Part 1: Copyright protection
Bragiel, Edward.
2015Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "Torque off Clarkson" : with the Top Gear team all geared up to go, an examination of what rights exist in formats for television shows. Part 2: Protection of TV formats otherwise than under the law of copyright
Bragiel, Edward.
2015Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Aereo : Decision of the Supreme Court 25 June 2014 - Case No. 13-461.
2014Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Amore Criminale : Decisions of the Supreme Court of Cassation, I Civil Division (Suprema Corte di Cassazione, Sezione I Civile) 27 July 2017 - Decision No. 18633/2017; Reti Televisive Italiane S.p.a. v. Ruvido Produzioni S.r.l.; Copyright Act, Art 1
2018Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Copyright challenge
White, Catherine.
SA-Intellectual Property Magazine
2017Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Copyright Protection of Broadcasts in Australia : The intersections between originality, economic investment, and social-oriented perspectives
Kariyawasam, Kanchana, kirjoittaja.
2023Artikkeli / Lehtileike
 Copyright protection of sports programs in China
Liu, Wei.
SA-Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA
2017Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Decision of the European Court of Justice (Grand Chamber); 31 May 2016 - Case No. C-117/15 : Reha Training Gesellschaft für Sport- und Unfallrehabilitation mbH v. Gesellschaft für musikalische Aufführungs- und mechanische Vervielfältigungsrechte eV (GEMA).
2017Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Federal Supreme Court (Bundesgericht) 17 June 2022 - 4A_472/2021, 4A_482/2021 : Copyright Infringement in Works of Applied Art ‒ Fire Rings
SA-GRUR International
2023Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Is the Script of a Television Programme the Crux of Being a Legal Performer?
Saiz García, Concepción, kirjoittaja.
SA-GRUR International
2023Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1