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Tulosta sivu Haukutuloksesi on 19
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Data pager
Data pager
Tulosta / sivu
 A delicate balance : Copyright protection versus public access
Cydney, Tune A.
SA-Copyright World
2005Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Access to information v. intellectual property rights
2002Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Access v contract : Competing freedoms in the context of copyright limitations and exceptions for libraries
Davies, Philippa.
2013Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Audiogest and GEDIPE v. Ar Telecom, Cabovisão, Onitelecom, PT, MEO, Vodafone Portugal, Nos Comunicações Code on Copyright and Related Rights (CDADC), Arts. 176, 178, 184 : Pirate Bay Portugal. Decision of the Intellectual Property Court (Tribunal da Propriedade Intelectual) 24 February 2015 - Case No. 153/14.0YHLSB.
2016Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Avoin tiede : mitä, miksi ja miten?
Mustajoki, Arto.
SA-Tieteessä tapahtuu
2012Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Brexit : the impact on media law
Earle, Rupert.
SA-Entertainment Law Review
2016Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Copyright and free access to information: for a balance of interests in a globalised world
Geiger, Christophe.
2006Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Copyright law and the public×s right to receive information: recent developments in an isolated community
Griffiths, Jonathan.
2002Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Copyright, freedom of expression and free access to information (comparative study of american and european law) / Droit d’auteur, liberté d’expression et libre accès à l’information (étude comparée de droit américain et européen) / Derecho de autor, libertad de expresión y libre acceso a la información (estudio comparado de derecho americano y europeo)
Lucas, André.
2016Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 Digital rights management from a consumer×s perspective
Helberger, Natali.
2005Artikkeli / Lehtileike