Tekijänoikeuden erikoiskirjasto

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Tulosta sivu Haukutuloksesi on 1946
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Data pager
Data pager
Tulosta / sivu
 "Add on " technology no go for online gaming
Tune, Cydney.
Copyright World
2005Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "America thrives on competition; Barbie ... will too"
Macedo, Charles M.
2010Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "Anonymous, untitled, mixed media" : mixing intellectual property law with other legal philosophies to protect traditional cultural expressions
Torsen, Molly.
SA-Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA
2006Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "Copynorms", black cultural production, and the debate over African-American reparations
Greena, K.J.
Cardozo AELJ
2008Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "Equitable remuneration" in copyright law: the amended German copyright act as a trap for the entertainment industry in U.S.?
Hilty, Reto M.
Cardozo AELJ
2004Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "Fair use" digitaalisessa ajassa : kongressin laadittava selkeitä tekijänoikeuslakeja kuluttajan suojaksi
Mossberg, Walter S.
2007Artikkeli / Lehtileike
 "Gemeinsame Vergütungsregeln" in den Guild Agreements der Film- und Fernsehbranche in den USA - ein Vorbild für Deutschland (§§ 32, 32a, 36 UrhG)?
Reber, Nikolaus.
GRUR Internationaler Teil
2006Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "I could haw been a fragnance millionaire" : toward a federal idea protection act
Basin, Kenneth.
SA-Journal of the Copyright Society of the USA
2009Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "I'll back" : Termination rights under section 203 of the copyright act
Hanswirth, Dori.
Intellectual Property Magazine
2012Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1
 "Just google it?" - Neuigkeiten und Gedanken zur Haftung der Suchmaschinenanbieter für Markenverletzungen in Deutschland und den USA
Ruess, Peter.
2007Artikkeli / Lehtileike 1 / 1